Marketing Insights

Growth Hacking Beyond the Valley
The practice of growth hacking eschews traditional, more expensive advertising and marketing in favor of search engine optimization, web analytics and content marketing to attract potential customers (or simply be easier to find on the web) versus paid promotional messages. In many ways, it is more about attraction versus promotion, with a healthy dose of data analytics thrown in.
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Working With Digital Marketing Agency – How It Can Help Your Business
There is no denying that there is no industry that is evolving as fast as digital marketing. There are more and more challenges in digital marketing that make it increasingly difficult for an in-house team to keep up with the latest developments. We are not suggesting that it might be impossible, but it certainly feels that way a lot of the time.
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Location, Location, Location – Digital Marketing and Your Neighborhood
If upwards of 80 percent of all Google searches were pointing in a specific direction, would that be something that you might be interested in for your business? If you are avoiding localized digital marketing, you might be saying yes, but your actions are saying otherwise.
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Digital Marketing In New York City – What Your Business Needs To Know
Almost every business that is founded begins with a single location and with nothing but local customers. Because having a website ensures that you have instant global access, it can sometimes be tempting for companies to become carried away with their marketing strategy. What we mean by that is that they use a digital marketing strategy to target everyone – when they should start thinking local.
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Community & Content at Product Hunt
Product Hunt is blowing up. The popular platform that allows users to hunt products just recently raised $6.1 Million and are working their way up as one of the fastest growing startups seen.
Community plays an important part at product hunt: it is actually the community that hunts and adds new products to their platform, and it’s the community who up-votes the products they like. Each popular product is then a reflection of community interest.
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8 Tips to Optimize Your Call to Action Buttons
If you had to pack all your conversion wisdom and power into one tiny space, it would be the call to action button. It’s amazing how a single button can make or break an online business.
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Social Media Marketing: Are You Losing Customers Because of These 4 Critical Mistakes
Are you sure that your social marketing strategy is working as it should? Almost every company – from the Fortune 500 companies to start-ups – have a social media presence. However, that does not necessarily mean that these companies are taking advantages of the benefits that social media can provide. Some social media mistakes are just that, social media mistakes that result in a minor setback. Others are critical mistakes that ensure that your company is going to struggle to compete in a competitive New York marketplace.
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